Services by certified staff
Results with integrity, objectivity and accountability
Cost effective outcomes
Timely service

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Employability Assessments  

This initial comprehensive assessment report is comprised of an extensive interview with the client to gain an understanding of current and historical medical, functional and employment information.  The assessment identifies strengths and potential barriers and provides recommendations and goals working towards a successful return to work.

Progressive Goal Attainment Program (PGAP)

The goals of PGAP are to reduce psychosocial barriers to rehabilitation progress, promote re-integration into life-role activities, increase quality of life, and facilitate return to work.  PGAP is a 10-week activity life-role reintegration program that has been tailored to meet the rehabilitation needs of individuals who are struggling to overcome the challenges associated with a wide range of disabilities due to injury or illness. It was designed to complement existing clinical services.  (Source: University Centre of Research on Pain and Disability).

Goal Activation Programs

An alternative to PGAP which focuses on assisting clients to identify short and long terms goals and implementation of same.  Useful when a shorter or longer term activation plan is required.  The goals of an activity program are designed to meet an individual’s needs.

Transferable Skills Analysis (TSA)

A TSA is the process of identifying skills, traits and aptitudes, as demonstrated through previous education and work history that can be matched to skills and traits in similar and/or alternative jobs.  A TSA identifies occupational groups that are consistent with the individual’s current functional abilities and medical restrictions or limitations.

Labour Market Surveys/Information 

A research report that provides salary levels, potential opportunities, required qualifications, and physical demands of occupations or specific jobs.

Employment Preparation/Job Search Assistance 

This includes providing one-to-one services to assist clients in becoming self-sufficient in their job search efforts; services include resume preparation, interview skills, cover letters, cold calling, personal branding and effective job search tools.

Vocational Rehabilitation Counselling  

One-to-one counselling for persons who require a change in occupation or job due to prolonged disability.

Case Management

This includes working collaboratively with clients and their medical health team and other professionals to facilitate rehabilitation plans and goal activation interventions.  Plans are individualized to meet the clients’ needs and are reviewed and adjusted as needed to reflect day to day changes that may occur